Illness, Conditions & What?…Oh My!

Hello Dear Ones, 


Sometimes it seems as if physical conditions take on a life of their own.  One day, you can be perfectly fine.  Another day you wake up, swing your legs over the side of the bed, and in your very first foot placement, you writhe in pain because of the pressure you feel when you step down.

We even create stories about how our pains come to be… 

…I just got new shoes…

…I must have slept wrong…

…I worked out a lot yesterday…

…and all of these reasons are very reasonable.  But what if a chronic condition continues to haunt you?  You stretch on a regular basis, you exercise, you eat well, you rest well, and eventually, because of the constant pain, and desperation, you decide to go through surgery since nothing else worked.  A few years down the road, even though the pain is now bearable, yet it’s still there, and you wonder…why?

Whether it’s illness or chronic pain, it’s almost as if our body’s have it out for us sometimes, doesn’t it?  Well, this blog may show you that’s not the case at all.  Prepare to exercise your neurons in a new and delightful way…

In 2017, I developed a series of the same exhaustive illness.  This particular bronchial infection had the same pattern every time I got it, which was why I knew I’d eventually get it again, if the first and second symptoms appeared.  I felt I had to surrender to this madness of a monster that haunted me about four times a year, extending it’s way into 2019 with a vengeance.  

Some of you may remember this time period.  I cancelled many appointments, not to mention the weeks, and a month at times, where I had to shut down everything on my schedule because I was so sick.  It was a horrible experience every time because I could barely breathe.  My nose, sinuses and chest were heavily congested as if an air nozzle was kinked, then turned off.  I had absolutely no energy to do anything, and I could barely sleep because I couldn’t breathe.  The cough that came forward as the grand finale was so excessive, I’m certain I have some scar tissue on my vocal chords from those good ‘ole days.  

Mind you, each time I got this illness, it didn’t matter if I was on cold medicine or not…it took a great deal of time to get through the tipping point of the illness before I could again see the light.

After two and a half years of this nonsense, I wanted 2019 to be different.  Because of the patterns I recognized over time, I felt there had to be more to this ‘illness.’  

I put on my adventurer’s hat and read more about hypnosis and its benefits.  I felt hypnosis could be a useful tool to either train me to develop a new pattern for this illness, or it could at the least help me get in touch with my subconscious and reveal pertinent information for a solution.

I’ve always known the mind/body connection is complex.  However, I never expected the outcome to reveal what it did…

In this particular hypnosis session, I sunk into such a deep state, I felt I became the chaise lounger I rested upon.  As the voice of the practitioner led me deeper and deeper, I began to see a movie projection of a life on the sea and verbally shared this story.  I was a cabin boy on a ship sailing from Turkey in the 1300’s.  It was supposed to be a ‘coming of age’ trip for me because I was still quite young.  I wanted to prove to my family that I could do it.  I was leaving behind my mother, father, sister, and a set of unborn twins.  I was the eldest and only son.  They didn’t think twice about letting me go because, in the end, I could help support them.

It was during our oversea adventure that things took a turn for the worst.  One night, a fire devastated the ship and I was still asleep below deck.  By the time I awoke, I was already drowning, oblivious to what had happened, but only then realizing that my life would soon come to an end.

I took my last gasps in the darkness of the ocean, fathoms below the surface.  I felt utterly helpless and alone.

After this memory, another energy came through.  I felt it was my subconscious because They addressed me in third person.  The practitioner asked more about the reason this life was shown and why it pertained to my illness.  They shared that I was holding onto the fearful end of this life, like I was caught in a loop.  The drowning I experienced in that life expressed itself as my illness in this life.  The lessons were already learned and this illness had no current purpose any longer.  It was old energy.  They agreed to help me release this pattern.

After that session of hypnosis, I was free from any illness for three years.  And the illness I experienced thereafter, a sinus infection, was nothing in comparison to what I had experienced from 2017 to mid 2019.

Whether this past life really happened or no, I got the result I was wishing for.  For me, it was miraculous.  I had lost hope in finding any type of remedy what-so-ever.  Sometimes the impossible is possible, and the only person blocking that possibility is ourselves…for the most part.

After this experience, my brain churned like a steam engine on a hot day…  

Could it be possible that the life we think we know is not so linear? 

Could it be possible that one really nasty, chronic condition that seems to have it out for us, may be us holding onto ‘old stuff’ from another life we’ve had? 

Does the phrase, ‘letting go’ reach a different depth of meaning for you, after reading this blog? 

Keep in mind, there’s still great power in taking responsibility for the quality of your life.  This story is in no way encouraging you to play the blame game and use ‘past lives’ as the answer to every problem.  Instead, I share this experience because sometimes…we just don’t know.  Oftentimes, it’s in the discovery of the Self and the determination we put forth that can help us access the answers we seek.  It’s not always easy, but it is definitely mind-enhancing!

I wish you the curiosity to step outside the structures and boxes you’ve created, we all have them, and find all you seek and more.

Embracing My Multi-dimensional Self,   
